Swimming is a skill that requires precision and refinement. Learn to swim by perfecting simple movements that build upon each other in a logical sequence of steps. Proper technique is essential to developing ease and efficiency in the water. Balance, proper posture and body position are key elements to transforming your movement in the water to effective, fluent swimming. Eliminate struggle by learning to swim with your whole body and not just your arms and legs. Increasing your efficiency and economy in the water will naturally lead to more speed. Lessons are available for those ages seven and up and will benefit all levels and types of swimmers such as triathletes, competitive, master’s, fitness, beginners, and those uncomfortable or afraid of the water. Private, semi-private and small group lessons are available for all strokes as well as starts and turns. Lessons are taught by Catherine Hall Adams a Total Immersion Senior Coach. She has been a TI swimmer since 1999 and a TI coach since 2003. She formerly directed TI Freestyle Workshops and taught Red Cross and YMCA swim programs.